
Do soft drinks count?

This is the time of year we all set goals to make changes in our lives. Sometimes the goals are big and bold, like trying to find a new job. Sometimes they are small, but still important, like promising yourself you will finally clean out that messy closet. I have...

Insomnia Stinks!

Insomnia stinks.  I should know, I am experiencing it right now, as I write this.  I am waiting for my Sleepytime tea to seep so I can drink it, read a boring textbook and hopefully get a few more hours of sleep before the sun peeks out today. It seems like we are all...

Make New Friends but Keep the Old

Your partner.  Your friends.  Your religious organization.   Your community.  What do these things have in common?  They are the people that make up your world. Last summer following my boating accident,  I was brought to tears and humbled by the amount of love and...

Happy Mother’s Day

Today is mother's day.  Even though it's a "hallmark" holiday, it is still nice to remember or acknowledge the women in our lives who have cared for us, nurtured us and loved us.  Friends, aunts, grandmothers and sisters all mother us from time to time.  My husband...

More About GMO’s

Where will I find GMO products? Part II GMO plants are used in almost all processed foods.  If you are eating processed foods, you are eating GMO products. The main foods that are GMO on the market are corn, soy, beets, canola, and cottonseed.  Alfalfa spouts were...

What is Genetically Modified Food?

What is In Your Food When It is Genetically Modified?  Part I Have you ever read a food label and seen it say “non-gmo”.  Have you ever wondered what that means?  If you have, you are not alone.  Most American’s are not familiar with the term GMO or genetically...

Did You Eat Breakfast Today?

Did you get up this morning, grab a cup of coffee and decide you just didn't have time for breakfast? Or maybe you just weren't hungry yet and skipped it, thinking you'll just eat later? Breakfast, or breaking fast,  is the most important meal of the day. Because it:...

Enzymes and Your Health

What the heck are enzymes? Enzymes are the unsung heroes in our bodies. They are an integral part of all aspects of our health. They are in our entire digestive system from our mouths to our colon, busy breaking down food and keeping it safe for us to use. They are...

Ending The Confusion Around Carbohydrates

There has been a lot of confusing information in the past few years about carbohydrates and grains. Not too long ago, many people avoided almost all carbohydrates. The truth is complex carbohydrates have a lot to offer us nutritionally. The trick is knowing what...


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