Your partner.  Your friends.  Your religious organization.   Your community.  What do these things have in common?  They are the people that make up your world.

Last summer following my boating accident,  I was brought to tears and humbled by the amount of love and support that I received from people.  My family, my friends, my neighbors, my synagogue, my book club all came forward and filled my mailbox with cards and my refrigerator with food. They  took me to drs. appointments, physical therapy and walks, and sat with me when I needed company.  It was a heady reminder of how
important it is to nurture relationships in your life.

This week, a dear friend of mine has suffered an unspeakable tragedy. She has lost a daughter unexpectedly. Once again, a group of friends, family and community have gathered to love and support this family.  Even in their shock they continue to be amazed and grateful for the outpouring of love and support.

I tell you these stories to remind you that fostering relationships is the very essence of why we are on this planet.  I know you are busy.  I know it takes time.  I know it is “work” to pick up the phone, to check in, to visit.  But I also know that it is what makes us human and what fills our days with joy, laughter and love.

This is the time of year that we make time for family and friends.  My wish for you is that you enjoy and savor every moment.  I also hope that as the New Year approaches and you make your resolutions, one of them is to reach out more to people you know and love and maybe even add a couple of
new people to your world in this coming year.

This week, I plan to call my college friend and make the lunch date we swore we’d have in August. How about you?

Enjoy the people in your life and your life will be richer for it!

To your health,


Your Healthy Structure

Make new friends but keep the old.
One is silver and the other gold.

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