Weight Management

Diet is a Four-Letter Word! I’ve never liked the idea of a “diet”.  Diets mean that there is a starting and a stopping point.  Since when did you “start” eating and then “stop?”  Last time I checked, eating was something we all had to do every day, for...

Did You Eat Breakfast Today?

Did you get up this morning, grab a cup of coffee and decide you just didn’t have time for breakfast? Or maybe you just weren’t hungry yet and skipped it, thinking you’ll just eat later? Breakfast, or breaking fast,  is the most important meal of the...

Ending The Confusion Around Carbohydrates

There has been a lot of confusing information in the past few years about carbohydrates and grains. Not too long ago, many people avoided almost all carbohydrates. The truth is complex carbohydrates have a lot to offer us nutritionally. The trick is knowing what...

Let’s Talk About…Fat!

Did you know that fat is good for you? It seems that over the years, fat has really gotten a bad rap. We are told to stay away from it because it will cause us to gain weight and have high cholesterol.  What should we know about fats? Fats are a nutrient dense source...
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