
I LOVE Rowing

I LOVE Rowing

“I understood at a very early age that in Nature, I felt everything I should feel in church but never did.  Walking in the woods, I felt in touch with the universe and with the spirit of the universe.” -Alice Walker This quote sums up why I row. If you know my...

All We Need is Love…and Our Hearts

All We Need is Love…and Our Hearts

I try to not talk about politics in my blogs but this week, it is hard to ignore what is happening in our country and not comment. It is impossible to not feel many emotions about the injustice that happened to George Floyd. It is also impossible to ignore the...

Happy Hour Has a New Meaning

“In the old days” Happy Hour meant meeting some friends for drinks, typically on a Friday night but sometimes during the week.  Restaurants and bars would often offer discounts to lure people in before the rush of dinner and hope that early revelers would stick...

The Pain and Pleasure of a Pandemic

It seems there is only one thing on everybody’s mind: COVID 19. In all the conversations I’ve had with friends, families, and neighbors, everyone is having difficulty describing the experience that they are having.  I’ve heard it described as “challenging, trying,...

Write a Letter!

Write a Letter!

We are now into week three of social distancing.  Some days are better than others. Most of us are feeling the sadness and loneliness, at least from time to time, of limited human contact. We are social beings, after all. Imagine being an elderly person in a...


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