From 28 Day
Cleanse by Scott Ohlgren and Joann Tomasulo

4 cups cooked chickpeas (if you use the canned versions,
rinse thoroughly)

1 large chopped onion

2 minced cloves garlic

2 tesap. Ground cumin

1 teasp. Salt

2 tabl. Olive oil

1 teasp. Fresh ginger

1 ½ teap. Curry powder

4 cupsof kale or fresh spinach

1 ½ cups water

Heat oil in large skillet. Add onions and garlic.  Cook until onions are golden, about 10 minutes.  Add cumin and curry powder.  Stir constantly for 1 minutes.  Add greens, water, salt.  Reduce heat, cover and simmer until greens are cooked , about 7 minutes. Stir in chickpeas to heat through. Serve.

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