Tips for Teens in Managing Trauma

Presented by Vicki Steine, DSC, LCSW


Tips for Teens in Managing Trauma

Presented by Vicki Steine, DSC, LCSW


Tips for Teens in Managing Trauma

Presented by Vicki Steine, DSC, LCSW

Gain control in this time of chaos –

We have all been in this pandemic /trauma together and, yet, we each experience it in our own individual way, so it often feels like we are in this alone.  Teenagers and young adults often feel this stress very acutely.  Additionally, they often don’t have the skills to self-regulate their emotions, which are often felt intensely.  Without the ability to express themselves adequately, many find themselves feeling anxious, depressed, and lonely.

Please invite your teen to join me (or come yourself) for an hour session to learn some very effective tools that they can begin using immediately to start self-regulating, gain some control, and feel better.

Join Dr Vicki Steine, DSc, LCSW

Wednesday July 15, 2020

11 am- 12 pm EST

Reserve Your Spot

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The Mind and Body Are Connected

It’s not just in your head. Mental health and your ability to handle life’s stressors are affected by many factors, including, exercise, sleep, nutrition and gut health, and community.

Hello, I’m Dr. Vicki Steine. At Your Healthy Struture, I help families, couples, and individuals explore a variety of ways to take traditional therapy further, by integrating cutting-edge therapeutic techniques with healthy lifestyle choices. My areas of expertise include: anxiety, depression, ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorders, Tourette Syndrome, trauma, and addiction.

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